We invite you to come home

Rooted supports people with a migration experience in rooting in The Netherlands and mostly, in themselves. Rooting is about learning to dance with your multiple identities and accepting that there is a place for ‘all of you’ in the here and now.

To be rooted is to experience a deep sense of belonging and feeling at home. Based on academic literature and extensive experience, we have developed our own methodology around eight dimensions of rootedness. When people feel rooted in all these eight dimensions, their ability to approach society with powerful self-awareness and self-confidence is strengthened. Authentically and autonomously, they know how to navigate between different cultures and within their own plural identities. People take more ownership of their life choices and are more likely to choose to actively participate in society, prompted in part by an enhanced sense of acceptance towards both themselves as well as the geographic location where they currently find themselves. They no longer see themselves as a temporary visitor or someone of whom only a certain part is welcome, but as a full-fledged member of Dutch society. This improves their well-being by allowing them to autonomously express their multiple identities while contributing meaningfully and authentically to society.

Video credit to Jetske Amijs

Through workshops, groups weekends and all sorts of community events, we provide a safe space, a community, increased consciousness, and concrete tools to be your true and rooted self. We invite you to come home.

‘Feeling at home starts in your heart. From there the roots grow between the walls through to the pavement and then across the world. If the seed doesn’t grow in your heart, you are
nowhere at home. Rooted lets that seed sprout to then take root again.’

Rodaan Al Galidi, award-winning author and poet, ambassador of Rooted

Rooted also works on a societal level. We build connections between individuals and communities, strengthening belonging and social rootedness. In doing so, we contribute to a society in which diversity is celebrated and used as a source of strength, connection and equality. We strive to transform personal and social experiences into broader social change. By supporting people with migration experiences in their journey to rootedness and spreading their stories widely, we contribute to cross-cultural understanding and spur action for a more inclusive and cohesive society.

‘Belonging is a state of being with oneself and with one’s surroundings. It is not a geographical destination.’

Noor Cornelissen, founder of Rooted